Sacred Spaces
“ adj.secured against violation, infringement; reverently dedicated to some person or object
Sacred Space
A sacred space is an extraordinary place where you are not your typical self. You know that this place requires you to have a reverential attitude. You automatically assume a different demeanor. Like going to church. Like going to a symphony. Like going to a wedding. Like being on the very top of a mountain and being able to see for miles. Like the colors of a sunset. Those experiences call upon your innate ability to connect with something bigger than you are on your own. You are not your ordinary self.
Sometimes we think of sacred spaces being only in specific places such as churches, synagogues, or temples. Some of us think that being in touch with aspects of nature such as the beach or the mountains is being connected with the sacred. What we may not consider is that we all have the ability to create sacred spaces in our everyday life. We just need to pay attention and be conscious of what gives our life meaning. We need to be mindful.
Your marriage is a sacred space. There was probably some ceremony, some sacred recognition to mark the beginning of your relationship. There were a hushed tone and a celebration. Yet, as life marched on, the two of you became involved in the minutia of life and the grand purpose of your life together got masked.
Acknowledging the sacred aspect of your marriage is easy. It just requires time and attention. Most couples believe that their marriage is the most important part of their lives. Most couples pay very little attention to the health and well-being of their marriage. “If I have any time left at the end of the day, maybe I’ll give it to the marriage.” That insidious attitude becomes the unspoken theme of marriage that is quietly headed for trouble.
The truth is that most of us can have anything we want. We just have to decide what we will give up to get it. None of us have much extra time. Our lives are driven by schedules and by activities and by obligations. Marriages are generally relegated to the bottom of the list. Great marriages need to be at the top of that list.
Have an honest look at your life and at your daily routine. Are you willing to restructure your life to give your marriage an hour a day? What can you eliminate to create the marriage you want? Your Sacred Relationship
Together Complete the Following Prompts
Identify the qualities of marriage that you consider to be sacred.
List your daily, weekly, and monthly obligations.
Circle those activities you would give up to get a great marriage.
Want to learn more? Send me an email to set up an appointment.