My Not-So-Secret Recipe for a Scrumptious Life
A thorough look at my kitchen will tell you who I am. Stainless steel appliances that say, “I’m a now kind of woman….. a long island for all the members of my family to prepare the precious family dinners we have every Sunday, and cabinets that have messages to live by taped to their faces. I’m a visual learner. I’ve taught myself lots of important lessons with signs posted in my kitchen. Feeding myself delicious food for my belly….and, delicious food for my mind is my goal. Women for generations have known that wisdom begins in the kitchen.
Today I’m slicing juicy Ohio tomatoes while I ponder eight different ways to improve my life. Those ideas have become my recipe for life. Without recipes, I generally make a mess. Can you imagine making marinara sauce without a recipe?
Here’s my not-so-secret recipe for a scrumptious life. Combine equal amounts of the following ingredients.
1. Right View. See the goodness and beauty in and around you.
2. Right Thinking. The next time you make an assumption, ask yourself, “Am I sure about that.” Most of the time our assumptions are wrong.
3. Right Speech. The way we talk to each other either builds relationship or destroys it. Speak kindly and offer others understanding.
4. Right Action. Be mindful of how you behave and what you consume. Our behaviors create harmony or suffering. You get to choose how to respond to any situation that arises.
5. Right Livelihood. Does your profession bring you happiness or stress that is debilitating?
6. Right Effort. What are you doing to create a life that reflects harmony and happiness? Are you ingesting ingredients that will sustain a healthy mind, body and soul?
7. Right Mindfulness. Living a conscious life requires being in the present moment. The past is gone and the future is not here. Our eyes see only what is happening in the here and now. Happiness requires mindfulness.
8. Right Concentration. Give your whole attention to whatever is around you. Deep looking leads to deep understanding leads to love.
Bake all ingredients at low, slow heat for a life-time.
As I assemble a tasty tomato, mozzarella, and basil salad, my belly smiles with anticipation. I have used those magic eight ingredients just standing in my kitchen on a beautiful summer morning. Delicious.