Your Love, Your Vision
Your Love, Your Vision
Spring is here and the earth is pushing up a fresh abundance of green leaves and yellow buds. It’s easy to feel a sense of renewal and revival as things come alive again after a long winter’s sleep. You probably notice a sense of vitality and excitement about just living life.
Spring is a great season to renew your relationship, as well. You may want to trim the dead parts away and make space for the newly emerging shoots of new growth. One way to revitalize your relationship is to think about all the things you would like to have for the two of you. You may want to identify the necessary components you need to have a happy marriage or partnership.
Take some time to sit down and make a list of the things you want in your life together and encourage your partner to do the same. Let the list emerge over a week’s time as you think of things. When writing them down, pretend that they are already happening. Create a vision of what you want from love
Think about your ideal vision of how to share: religion, intimacy, family of origin, money, free time, cooking, alone time, friendships with others, childrearing, vacations, holidays. Write one sentence to describe what you want from these topics and ones that you might identify on your own.
Frequently, couples assume that their partners know what they want. Yet, none of us are mind readers. No matter how much we love another, mind-reading is impossible. We all need to be concrete about our wants and our needs. We need to be able to express those wants and needs in a loving forum.
After you have each made your lists, sit down in a relaxing place and share what you have written. Then, create a joint list combining the things that each of you has identified.
Put the list in a visible place, like framed on your dresser or taped to the refrigerator or tacked to a bulletin board. Having it visible will remind you to stay on track. Your relationship vision will become a map to the love you deserve.
In our relationship we:
(State these things as if they are already happening.)