The Sound of the Bell

The Sound of the Bell

The practice of creating peace by using your breath is important and life-changing, it can be enhanced by giving yourself gentle reminders to pay attention.  Ringing a bell to signify the ceremonious nature of making peace becomes a spiritual practice that’s easily performed.

You may want to use a singing bowl with a wooden mallet.  You may want to use a crystal bell.  Just ring the bell or tap the bowl.  Breathe in and out three times.  Give yourself peace.  Give the world peace.

Teach your children to use the sound of the bell when they feel sad, angry, scared, or just need to calm down.  With the first tap of the bell, the family is reminded that something important is about to happen.  Everybody in the family stops whatever they’re doing.  Stop walking.  Stop talking.  Stop chopping.  Stop reading.  Stop watching.  The second tap of the bell signals the time to breathe in and out.



If you don’t have a bell or a bowl, you can remind yourself to breathe when…

•  you get in the car and before you start the ignition

•  you stand in front of the sink

•  before you get up off the bed

•  before and after you eat

•  whenever you feel upset, agitated, fearful, angry 

Sound your own bell and make sure that you create your own peace.

Offer everybody around you a sense of peace.

We all carry an energy field that signals our emotions to others.  Breathing helps create engagement with others.  Breathing helps us seem approachable and accepting.


Your breath can change the world.


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