Healthy Relationship Habits for Every Couple
Healthy Relationship Habits
Allow yourself to be curious about yourself and your partner.
Practice the divine art of staying open-hearted.
Remember that there are no enemies in your relationship.
Use words that are connected and eliminate disconnecting words and thoughts.
Slow down and make time for your relationship on verbal, physical, and emotional levels.
Practice at least 5 loving gestures every day.
Practice Daily Success Dialogue several times a week.
Engage in non-genital touch daily.
Say you’re sorry about the small things and the bigger things.
Train yourself to see your partner’s point of view.
Be forgiving.
Have a weekly date.
Plan a yearly vacation for just the two of you.
Make your bedroom a place of beauty and serenity
Eliminate negative people, thoughts, and actions from your life.
“Be the change that you want to see in the world.” Gandhi
Consider the fact that your relationship is a spiritual imperative.
Do something nice for yourself every day.
Smile! It changes your outlook....even if you feel lousy.
Keep an ongoing Gratitude List.