The Recipe of a Great Hug

The Gift of a Hug

Hugging connects us at the heart and reminds us that we are not alone.  Being mindful and intentional about hugging brings reconciliation, healing, understanding, and happiness.  It also gives us a huge sense of well-being.

Like all gifts, wrapping a hug in a beautiful package begins with a simple gesture that is somewhat unfamiliar in Western culture.  Bow.  Hug. Breathe. Bow.  Build the sacred atmosphere between you and the other.

Hugging:  The Recipe

Hold hands and look into the eyes of your partner to recognize the other as an important person... honor the sacred aspect of their being.

Take three slow breaths in and out. Prepare yourself to offer reverence to the other by intentionally slowing down and bring your whole mind into this present moment.  

Open your arms and embrace the other person, heart to heart.  Once again take three slow breaths in and out.  With the first breath, be aware that you are only in this moment, sharing, and that you are happy.  With the second breath, be aware that the other person is also there with you a feel happy to have them.  With the third breath be aware that you are together right now being aware of deep gratitude.

Hold hands again and say something loving to each other as a way of saying, “Thank You.”

Give the gift of a hug to your partner, your children, your parents or a friend.

Diane Strausser